Society - Social values at the time
Culture - Characteristics and knowledge of the time
Technology - Relevant to the production of the image and why it was produced
Politics - Political context and images politics
History - Does the image claim to be history or is it biased?
Image 1
The Uncle Sam Range, 1876, Advertising Image by Schumacher & Ettlinger, New York

Image 2
Empire Marketing Board - 'East African Transport Old Style' and 'East African Transport New Style' by Adrian Allinson, from the 'Colonial Progress Brings Home Prosperity' series of posters, 1930 - 1931.
Immediately I can tell that both of these compositions are communicating a message due to the illustrative styles and copy. The first image is older and includes serif and sans-serif type, where as the second image uses a bolder, sans-serif type. I think this is because during the late 1800s, a serif font was fashionable and more official. Although these pieces were created at different times in history, in my opinion, they're both based on the same subject.
The older image is very illustrative and shows a wealthy household sitting at the table as if they're about to eat. I tried analysing the details to see if I could uncover any clues as to what the advertisement was for. On the scroll that the 'world' is reading at the table states 'Ireland - Potatoes - Fried, Baked, Mashed...' along with other countries and the foods that originate from there. This gave me a clue as to what the advertisement is for. Everyone sat around the table is dressed smartly and formally, which is what you'd expect at the time if you were wealthy, along with the decor. In the left corner of the composition is a boy, playing the role of the servant and getting the food. This made me think more about slavery and when Britain and America went over and introduced slavery to get tropical food. In comparison, the second images' location is in Africa, in the wild. This is because of the lack of technology. However, 'New Style' shows the beginning of industrialisation due to the bridges and better transport. There is a clear sense of African culture in 'Old Style' but 'New Style' has a white male standing over the Africans working away. This suggests colonialism which relates to the first image.
Britain and America both went over to Africa and used the continents rich foods to import back home and sell. This suggests why, in the first image, the scroll states the food and its origins. Looking closer at the first image, there is a clock stating dates. After researching into America during the period, these dates relate to the declaration of independence ending. There's also a canvas with the 'Declaration of Independence' written at the top but there are no names below it. This is why Britain is at the table, smiling, along with other continents.
I believe image two is portraying the benefit that Britain had on Africa. 'Old Style' has African men, women and children carrying traditional equipment by hand. In 'New Style', only men are working under the supervision of the British man. The image suggests that Britain is making the life of the Africans better by providing them with equipment and stopping the women and children from having to work. There are positive connotations towards the image but I know that the British made life worse for the tribesmen and introduced slavery and racism.
Both of the images portray the amount of power and wealth America and Britain have. Both images were produced after slavery was abolished and I still think that both the images are propoganda to portray that what Britain and America did was a positive move, without mentioning all of the terror and pain they caused the Africans.
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