Monday, 18 April 2016

Practical Response 1.2

Had a discussion about my response to the essay question and the initial concepts that I came up with to see if I could gain any advice.
  • People liked the QR code concept because it has a lot of scope for materials and processes along with visual concepts. It was suggested that I look up how QR codes work and the history behind them to gain more of an understanding. 
  • Using an analogue process went down well as people thought it would answer the essay question and create a natural outcome. 
  • It was suggested that I should look into digital glitches within design as a concept to explore.
  • Setting lead type and print coding - Combines print media with digital media.
I am pleased with my progress because my initial concepts provide me with a lot of directions.


1. What is your research question?

'What is the role of print media in the digital age?'

2. Do you have a hypothesis?

Print and digital media should combine forces to benefit each other. People are under the assumption that 'print is dead' but I aim to show people that their is a future. 

3. What are the contexts of your research interests?

Contemporary art

4. Sources of primary/secondary research.

Online sources
Designer talks 

5. How will your practical work answer the research question?

Aiming to provide a piece of graphic design that reflects the issue of print media in the digital age. I want the outcome to be predominantly visual and use influences from both print and digital media, thus supporting my hypothesis. 

6. What methods will you use to research, develop, create and test your work?

I will use analogue and digital processes such as sketching and Adobe Illustrator for idea generation because they allow me to be expressive and stimulate more concepts. I have discovered some publications that I can use to influence my design decisions. 

7. Provide a proposed timeline for your work to completion (consider carefully

whether you will need access to college facilities).

The facilities that I aim to use will all be in the print room which is available in the college and also in Vernon street. This will benefit me because if one is busy I can use the other. My time plan consists of planning and experimentation using sketches and InDesign because it allows me to explore my initial concepts inspired from my essay and narrow down a concept that I can take forward and develop. 

Bee Jones

When setting type, all characters are viewed upside down and the wrong way round; they are also kept in specific order not related to the alphabet, but to how often each letter is used. Jones has created a code to help typesetters with the recognition and position re-call of type:

As typesetting is a dying art form, they decided to produce a book to make it easier for typesetters to learn and remember the order in which type is kept. The shape and size of the letters relate to the space they occupy in a traditional typecase.

Repeating each letter in a block of text creates tonal ranges due to how condensed the letter forms are. The blocks of text remind me of grid systems.

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