To create a graphic outcome that provokes the audience to think about the relationship print media has in the digital age. My main concept consist of using analogue techniques such as letter press and traditional print to show how digital media such as QR codes and coding can be replicated using analogue techniques.
What processes / strategies have you used and why?
Photoshop/Illustrator: Digitally manipulated the compositions as it was a quick and simple editing process that allowed me to mockup ideas quickly.
Creating a poster because I aim to impact the audience by using a bold and simple composition.
Screen print: It is a traditional printing process which is appropriate for my essay question and also translates my design well. I can print a lot of the posters for little money.
What literature have you read that informs this work?
'Low Tech Print' - Caspar Williamson encouraged me to use screen print because it is an old, efficient process.
People of Print - Inspired me to use screen printing because of how the outcomes can be. It is also a good process to use when experimenting with colour. People of Print is an inspiring site for print media in design and the majority of the
Print Isn't Dead, Element 03, Freya Walker
Is the work effective (in terms of your aims)? In what ways? How do you know it is effective (testing)?
I aimed to produce the poster using traditional printing method(s) and I believe the most appropriate method is to screen print it because my composition consists of bold, contrasting lines. Screen print will also allow me to reproduce my poster and therefor spread the message of print. I produced some test prints to see if the screen printing process was the most appropriate printing method:
Does it communicate what it should do (in what ways)?
In order to see if my composition successfully communicates my aims and concept, I shows numerous people my composition and asked them how they interpreted it. As I have created a poster, the message needs to be clear and concise because there is no room for explanations or big sections of copy.
The feedback that I gathered was positive, as people recognised the shapes created by the QR code and after reading the slogan, the figure of the king became more apparent. A lot of people thought that the composition was very against digital media, however the aim of the composition was to show how print and can work alongside print media. The use of the manipulated QR code as well as the print media process was meant to show how print media and digital media can compliment each other, however the slogan 'print is king' may be too lenient towards print media, however I am not worried because the focus of my essay was print media.
What processes / strategies have you used and why?
Photoshop/Illustrator: Digitally manipulated the compositions as it was a quick and simple editing process that allowed me to mockup ideas quickly.
Creating a poster because I aim to impact the audience by using a bold and simple composition.
Screen print: It is a traditional printing process which is appropriate for my essay question and also translates my design well. I can print a lot of the posters for little money.
What literature have you read that informs this work?
'Low Tech Print' - Caspar Williamson encouraged me to use screen print because it is an old, efficient process.
People of Print - Inspired me to use screen printing because of how the outcomes can be. It is also a good process to use when experimenting with colour. People of Print is an inspiring site for print media in design and the majority of the
Print Isn't Dead, Element 03, Freya Walker
Is the work effective (in terms of your aims)? In what ways? How do you know it is effective (testing)?
I aimed to produce the poster using traditional printing method(s) and I believe the most appropriate method is to screen print it because my composition consists of bold, contrasting lines. Screen print will also allow me to reproduce my poster and therefor spread the message of print. I produced some test prints to see if the screen printing process was the most appropriate printing method:
Does it communicate what it should do (in what ways)?
In order to see if my composition successfully communicates my aims and concept, I shows numerous people my composition and asked them how they interpreted it. As I have created a poster, the message needs to be clear and concise because there is no room for explanations or big sections of copy.
The feedback that I gathered was positive, as people recognised the shapes created by the QR code and after reading the slogan, the figure of the king became more apparent. A lot of people thought that the composition was very against digital media, however the aim of the composition was to show how print and can work alongside print media. The use of the manipulated QR code as well as the print media process was meant to show how print media and digital media can compliment each other, however the slogan 'print is king' may be too lenient towards print media, however I am not worried because the focus of my essay was print media.
She calls BS on products that dazzle fanciful people like me.