Develop a cultural understanding of the world.
Came about again in 2000 when Adbusters created a manifesto to use design to fight capitalism:
Buy nothing today
Meme warfare
Potent memes can change minds, alter behaviour, catalyse collective mind shifts and transform cultures.
Victor Papanck - 1971 posters
'Most things are designed not for the needs of people but for the needs of manufactures to sell to people.'
Cars are designed to rust and break - Tyres especially
Beer can bumper
David Harvey - RSA Animate
William Morris - 'The Lesser Arts'
About lesser arts vs. high arts
Mechanical and intellectual
'Art is a fruit growing from conditions of society.'
Making art for profit rather than love
Co-operatives - Good idea but extremely hard to compete with the big industry leaders
Modernism - Uniform of style across design and architecture, etc.
The Modernist dream lacks humanity
GLOBALISATION = Capitalist = Dehumanises design
Argued that is isn't global because it doesn't communicate outside the Western world.
Breaks down capitalism by using a interdisciplinary approach, for example a balance between the roles of male and female.
Herbert Buyer - Thought all typography should be lower case sans serif
Politics of the sans serif
Rodchenko - 'Books'
Increased literacy - Example of how design has a political and social responsibility
Often referred to as 'The Soviet Bauhaus’
Architecture, textiles, painting and sculpture were fused in this short-lived haven for experimental practice.
Varvara Stepanova created equality between men and women through fashion:
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