Instead of using the handwritten signature of the designer/artist, a stamp inspired by the individuals approach and style can be used to create recognition for the designer so they are no longer in anonymity. The stamp can be inked up or embossed directly into the stock, creating an imprinted signature that cannot be avoided. The stamp can highlight the designers ideals and creative approach.
A logo stamp can also be developed for an exhibition on graphic authorship as an identity.
An example of embossing into paper from Royal Blood's artist screen print:
Concept: Create a stamp for a variety of designers to claim authorship of their work and rebelling against anonymity.
Bradbury's Book of Hallmarks
A Hallmark is a mark stamped on articles of gold, silver, or platinum by the British assay offices, certifying their standard of purity.
A guide to the marks of origin on British and Irish silver, gold and platinum and foreign imported silver and gold plate.
According to the small publication, during the 17th Centry the makers mark was a symbol, however the two letters of the surname were frequently used with a symbol, and occasionally, makers used a rebus of their names as a mark.
Rebus: Words are represented by combinations of pictures and individual letters; for instance, apex might be represented by a picture of an ape followed by a letter X.
Enables the product to be traced to the location of origin:

Instead of using a number, a letter of the alphabet is used. The letter is changed each year and varies in form or the outline of its shield.
Examples of
Although these examples don't relate to the time frame that my essay is written in, the artistic style and components that make them can help to inform the composition of each stamp.
Serif typeface
Use of initials
Creating a rebus will allow type and image to combine
Concept Development
The feedback that I received suggested that creating the branding for an exhibition would allow me to demonstrate my findings from my research project in a manner that allows more people to engage with it. However the research into Hallmarks and potters stamps is still relevant because it can help to inform the exhibition branding.
Created some potential stamp/logo identities inspired by Bradbury's Book of Hallmarks.
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