Sunday, 23 April 2017


As an extension of my research into Roth and the artist book, I began to find zines that I can reference in my essay.

An artist's book is a medium of artistic expression that uses the form or function of “book” as inspiration. It is the artistic initiative seen in the illustration, choice of materials, creation process, layout and design that makes it an art object. It could be argued that the zine is product of the artist book, which has increased in popularity in recent years.

Zines share the same purpose as artists books.

The cheap production methods of zines provides a platform for unestablished designers, illustrators and photographers to publish their work and get it distributed. The form of the zine acts as a legitimising object, to which consumers see the work presented in a professional format, and therefor the designer gains some authority and ownership of the work. 

Procrastination Compilation
George Mitchell

I know for a fact that Mitchell is not an designer, illustrator or photographer, in fact he is in the band Eagulls. He created these illustrations whilst recording their new album and published them in the format of a zine. It could be argued that Mitchell took advantage of his reputation as a band member in order to force his way into publishing, however the zine is a DIY platform which allows anyone and everyone to publish their own work. 

Pages From My Scrapbooks
Simon Foxton

Pink Arab
Dafy Hagai

The zine has allowed Hagai to voice her thoughts and photography about the Arab culture from women's point of voice.

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