Friday 12 January 2018


A metacommentary is the term used to describe a narrative which directs the reader’s attention to the text’s purpose and positioning. According to Graf and Birkenstein (2010), the function of a metacommentary is akin to that of a Greek Chorus – it stands to one side of the action and explains what is going on to the audience so that they don’t lose track of where they’ve been and where they are headed.

Design studio from the Netherlands
Aesthetics and politics

Daniel van der Velden (Metahaven) – Research and Destroy

'The role of the designer is in peril. Designers are increasingly threatened with becoming the proletariat of the creative industry, silently carrying out whatever the client dictates. Daniël van der Velden sees only one solution: research and development. The designer must completely throw himself into his own personal, independent production of knowledge. Today, if there is something that needs to be designed, it is the designer himself.'

'Let the designer take on the debate with the institutions, the brand names or the political parties, without it all being about getting the job or having the job fail. Let designers do some serious reading and writing of their own. Let designers offer the surplus value, the uselessness and the authorship of their profession to the world, to politics, to society.'

Website lead me to:

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